Kenesary Khan’s cave

01 July

In the Northern part of Burabay is the headquarters of the great Abylay Khan. In 1802, a boy, a descendant of the great Abylay, Kenesary, was born here, in the headquarters of Sultan Kasym.

Kenesary Kasymuly - Kazakh Khan, elected in 1841 at the meeting of the Kazakh nobility, the leader of the national liberation movement of 1837-47, which covered the whole of Kazakhstan, the grandson of the great Abylay Khan and the last of the descendants of the Chingizid khans. Kenesary Khan continued the struggle of his father, Kasym Sultan, against the tsarist colonization, the construction of Russian fortresses and the oppression of the Kazakh population.

Near the sanatorium "Okzhetpes", to the South of lake Burabay in the forest among pines hidden from the public eye is a small cave, named in honor of Khan Kenesary Kasymuly. The cave has a good location - at its foot is a sloping stone, from which you can watch the entire area. The shape of the cave like a Yurt, which even has a chimney at the top of the cave that leads out.

This cave is particularly famous among tourists because it is associated with the legend of Kenesary. Kenesary from childhood learned to ride and marksmanship. He passionately loved hunting wild animals that were found in the Burabay tract. Often with his warriors, after a successful hunt, he stopped for the night at the foot of the hill, on the top of which there is a cave. For this reason, this cave is called "Kenesary’s Cave". This is the story that the guide tells when he leads tourists along this route.